Recommended File Types
What types of files do you recommend we send for printing purposes?
Document Files
While most of our design and layout for print and web is done using the Adobe Suite of products, we understand that most businesses don't have the need for such programs and generally create files using the Microsoft Office Suite of products such as Word, Publisher & Power Point. Because of this, we can handle most Microsoft Office associated files as well as files created in Open Office. Most newer versions of these products allow you to export them as a PDF. If you have the facility to export a document as a PDF this is recommended, it's not a bad idea to send us both the exported PDF and the original file, e.g.. Word Doc, in case there are any issues arise with one file type, we can use the other.
Image Files
We are able to use most image file types including:
Adobe Files
We are able to use most files associated with the Adobe Design Suite of products.